Meet the Team: Yves Stiers 

“We work with open and honest communication and aim for the long-term.” 



Yves started in June 2023 as sales manager for IPP Packaging Materials in Belgium and France in the carton board team. He got hooked on board years ago, working for a cardboard converter. After a little side step to pallet pooling, Yves is now back in packaging materials – where he belongs. He is currently immersed in everything IPP stands for. We asked Yves about his plans for the future.  


When he is not working, Yves spends his time in and around his home in Leuven. He answers the daily asked question ‘What’s for dinner?’ by cooking for his wife and two sons. Basic Belgium food during the week and something a bit more special in the weekend. Besides cooking and food, Yves loves a good hike. He and his friends recently finished a 55 km walk during an event in Leuven.  


Happy to be back 

Yves met Jeroen Kuiper a long time ago. Yves was working for a cardboard converter and Jeroen visited on behalf of IPP for a sales pitch. After 18 years with this company – and turning 45 years old – Yves had a moment of reflection and decided that it was time for something new. He found a job in pallet pooling. Fun fact; this company was named IPP too… He was working there for three years when he came across Jeroen again. Once they started talking about packaging, Yves got strangely excited. “Once the ‘packaging virus’ caught you, it is hard to get rid of it”, Yves explains.  


Jeroen and Yves stayed in contact and when IPP was in need of a sales manager for the Belgium office, Jeroen offered him this position. Yves is happy to be back into carton board and packaging.  


Because Yves is still learning the ropes, he spends a lot of time at the office in Antwerp. “I like going to the office and spending time with my colleagues. Working on something as a team is a rewarding part of my job and really important to me”, says Yves. Staying in contact with IPP colleagues from the other countries is a little more challenging, but much easier since the introduction of Teams. “Of course, face to face is always better. Also with clients. It’s easier to dive deeper into things. Conversations through Teams are more businesslike, there isn’t much time and space for the personal touch”, Yves explains.  


Open and honest communication  

Right now, Yves is mostly focused on introducing himself to his customers and getting to know them and their business needs. To Yves the satisfying part of his job is having good contact with all customers and to be able to build long-term relationships. The upcoming months he will be on the road a lot more, representing IPP by visiting existing and potential clients throughout Belgium and France.  


“If they need board, I want to be top of mind and need them to call me”, Yves says, “I specialize in folding box board. But for any question or advice, or if they want to place an order, they may approach me.” And, of course, there is a full IPP team in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and France, which has a lot of knowledge and expertise. “Just give us a call!”, Yves continues, “We will listen to your needs. Give you the best possible advice. We work with open and honest communication and aim for the long-term. That’s really important to me.” 


Get in touch with Yves Stiers 

+32 496 772 772 




Date publication: October 24, 2023


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